TT-move ordering

(Implemented since Rustic Alpha 2.)

TT-move ordering is a technique where a move returned from the transposition table is ordered first in the list, in front of all other moves. The hard part is implementing the TT itself; ordering on the TT-move is very easy.

You should have already implemented the TT to be able to add the TT-move ordering. If you haven't, it's recommended to take a look at the Transposition table chapter. It explains what the TT is exactly, how it works, and how it can be implemented. Then add create the TT first. In that chapter it's also explained that the TT can store moves which cause a beta cutoff, or are part of the principal variation.

It should be very obvious by now why you want to try either of those moves ASAP. If a move causes a beta cutoff, you want to try it as soon as possible, because it saves you having to search large parts of the tree. If a move is a PV-move, you also want to try it as soon as possible, as it makes you find your best move faster. Again, the result is that you have to search less.

This is the alpha/beta function with all the parts removed that have nothing to do with TT-move ordering:

impl Search {
    pub fn alpha_beta( ... ) -> i16 {

        // ...

        // Variables to hold TT value and move if any.
        let mut tt_value: Option<i16> = None;
        let mut tt_move: ShortMove = ShortMove::new(0);

        // Probe the TT for information.
        if refs.tt_enabled {
            if let Some(data) = refs
                let tt_result = data.get(depth, refs.search_info.ply, alpha, beta);
                tt_value = tt_result.0;
                tt_move = tt_result.1;

        // ...

        // Generate the moves in this position
        let mut move_list = MoveList::new();
            .generate_moves(refs.board, &mut move_list, MoveType::All);

        // Do move scoring, so the best move will be searched first.
        Search::score_moves(&mut move_list, tt_move, refs);

        // ...

        // Iterate over the moves.
        for i in 0..move_list.len() {
            Search::pick_move(&mut move_list, i);
            let current_move = move_list.get_move(i);

            // ...

        // ...

We have two variables, tt_value and tt_move which contain the value and the move coming from the TT, if there are any. Assume we have a TT-move in the tt_move variable. We generate all moves as we normally do, and then call score_moves(). We pass the tt_move variable into score_moves(). We have seen this function before, but now it has been extended to take the TT-move into account:

const TTMOVE_SORT_VALUE: u32 = 60;

pub fn score_moves(ml: &mut MoveList, tt_move: ShortMove, refs: &SearchRefs) {
    for i in {
        let m = ml.get_mut_move(i);
        let mut value: u32 = 0;

        // Sort order priority is: TT Move first, then captures, then
        // quiet moves that are in the list of killer moves.
        if m.get_move() == tt_move.get_move() {
            value = MVV_LVA_OFFSET + TTMOVE_SORT_VALUE;
        } else if m.captured() != Pieces::NONE {
            // Order captures higher than MVV_LVA_OFFSET
            value = MVV_LVA_OFFSET + MVV_LVA[m.captured()][m.piece()] as u32;
        } else {
            let ply = refs.search_info.ply as usize;
            let mut n = 0;
            while n < MAX_KILLER_MOVES && value == 0 {
                let killer = refs.search_info.killer_moves[ply][n];
                if m.get_move() == killer.get_move() {
                    // Order killers below MVV_LVA_OFFSET
                    value = MVV_LVA_OFFSET - ((i as u32 + 1) * KILLER_VALUE);
                n += 1;


The constant TTMOVE_SORT_VALUE was added, which is higher than the highest value from the MVV-LVA table. (See the chapter about MVV-LVA move ordering, should you have forgotten this.) We then iterate through all the moves, but now we first take a look if the move we are at in the list, is the TT-Move which was just passed into the function. If so, we assign MVV_LVA_OFFSET + TTMOVE_SORT_VALUE to "value", and the TT-move will therefore be ordered higher than any move ordered by MVV-LVA. As a result, this move will be put first by the pick_move() function.

That's all, folks. Told you this was an easy one 😊 (After you implement the TT itself that is, which isn't that easy at all 😱)

Sidenote: what about ordering on the PV-move? There is a technique called PV-move ordering, which orders the best move from the previous iteration in the first spot. Ordering the move works the same was is with the TT-move; the only difference is that you pass the PV-move to the score_move() function instead of the TT-move. This is easier to implement, because you don't need a TT for it. As the TT stores the PV-moves (and the cut-moves), PV-move ordering is inherently built into TT-move ordering. If you have a TT, PV-move ordering becomes superfluous.

There is a chance your the TT-entry holding the PV-move for the position you are in was overwritten with a different entry so you have no PV-move to order on. As far as I know, many engines take this risk for granted and don't implement PV-move ordering is a fallback. It's probably not worth it with regard to Elo gain. Rustic does not implement PV-move ordering.