
There's a few more things we need to discuss before you can start on this journey. Those are the... dreaded... prerequisites. Yeah, I don't like them either, but they're really important to get right so you can avoid disappointments during this project.

This is gonna take a while

First: Let's set some expectations first. This is not a weekend project (for most people) if you want to do it well. Writing a strong chess engine takes time; not only for writing it, but also researching, debugging, and testing. Be prepared: you're going to be at this for some time before you see the first results. That would be having your engine play a non-trivial game against another engine, and win it.

Not for complete beginners

Second: This is not a project for someone who is just starting out with computers, computer science, or programming. You certainly don't need a Ph.D. to understand the information in this book, but you will need to have strong intermediate knowledge about programming concepts (variables, constants, functions, data structures) to be able to get this project off the ground.

If there are two topics I would recommend to brush up on, then it would be the binary system and bitwise operations. There are two chapters in the appendix that describe them:

The binary system
Bitwise operations

If you are not already well versed in these topics then I highly urge you to study these first, thoroughly. Practice with this until you get it down without having to think too much. Feel free to find more information about this on the internet or YouTube, if the explanations in the above two chapters are not enough.

If you have a strong background in low(er) level programming languages such as C, C++, Rust, or even classic Pascal, this book and the subject of chess programming will be easier for you. If you are coming from the web-development world, used to Javascript, Python or PHP, it will (probably) be harder, but certainly not impossible. (You can write chess engines in Javascript and Python, but those languages wouldn't be my personal choice.) If you just learned to write "Hello World", this probably will not be the project for you... yet. Of course, you're invited to come back later.

Mind your language

Third: If you are not experienced in several different programming languages of different styles and/or low level programming, then it would be best to pick a language you know well. This will spare you the burden of learning chess programming and a new programming language at the same time. Only pick a language you don't know because you want to use this project to learn it, like I did with Rust. Even so, you should have intermediate to early-advanced programming skills in at least one other language, so you don't need to learn all the basics from scratch. Be prepared for a steep learning curve and some rewrites, in case you pick a language you don't know, or don't know well.

Be happy with your environment

Four: Make sure your development environment is set up correctly. This is a topic which is not discussed in this book, apart from the chapter where instructions are given on how to build Rustic for different operating systems. It's impossible to give advice here, because there are so many IDE's (Integrated Development Environment), compilers, debuggers, operating systems, and programming languages to choose from.

Make sure you are able to compile/run "Hello World" in your programming language of choice. Make sure your editor/IDE has a debugger configured correctly, so you can set breakpoints and halt the program at that point. This lets you inspect variables and debug the program. If you haven't got a working development environment already, search the internet to find out how to set one up. My personal preference is to use Visual Studio Code as an IDE, Rust as a programming language (obviously), and the VSCode plugin rust_analyzer, which gives you code completion and linting for Rust in VSCode.

Git those versions under control

Five: This is not strictly necessary per se, but I strongly recommend using the a version control system such as Git, even if you are working alone. Versioning your code makes the development process a lot easier, not to mention safer. Safer? Yes. You can just create a branch to write some experimental code. If it doesn't work, you just throw it away, instead of trying to undo everything you did.

I mean it. Don't skimp on this. Many IDE's and editors have provisions for Git and other version control systems built in, or they provide plugins or extensions. If you don't like built-in version control or your favorite editor doesn't support it, then there are many GUI-applications to be found; open-source, freemium and paid. If you are really a contrarian, you can also use choose a different version control system. It doesn't matter, as long as you use something.

Know something about chess

Six: Also not strictly necessary, but it would be very helpful if you know all the chess rules already. (If not, you can download and read the FIDE Laws of Chess Handbook.) As with other programming projects, it is good to know the basics of the domain you're working in. Think about the movement of the pieces, castling, en-passant, and the different draw rules. You could just find all the rules and implement them, but you wouldn't be able to understand what the engine is doing, and finding bugs is going to be harder. It would even be better if you could play some decent chess already. Even beginner level between 1000-1200 Elo should be sufficient. At that point you're probably not going to make any mistakes against the rules anymore, so there's less chance you'll implement the rules the wrong way.

Still here? Great. Now we start. Good luck.